Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Almost 500 Words

Oh, gosh, I don't know what to write about.  I started to write about a favorite hymn, but I don't know that anyone would be interested in hearing that.  There's a little note on my desk here that says, "You Are a Masterpiece."  I was thinking about that earlier.  I don't feel much like a masterpiece, but emotions are deceptive.  It is my nature (ever since my training in medical vocabulary and career as a transcriptionist) to break down words.  What does it mean to say that I (perish the thought) am a Masterpiece.  "Masterpiece" sounds like a very big word, but I think it only means "a piece made by a Master."  I can accept that.  What little I know about this body I'm in leaves me pretty awestruck.  For many years, I didn't have any insurance coverage.  That was back in my 20's.  I was amazed at how well my body took care of itself.  Back before that time, I had every year been taken to the doctor with bronchitis.  When I had to take care of myself, though, I found that my body just overcame its bronchitis troubles.  At that time, I didn't have a car.  I found that walking everywhere, in just any kind of weather, made me stronger.  I no longer had a lot of the difficulties that I had grown up with.  I have often wished that I could share this "secret" with the people that I see dashing around in their cars day after day.  If you walk places, it forces you to prioritize.  You only have time to go to a few places, so it's important to pick the best.  Walking is calming.  So many of our ailments these days are caused by stress.  Walking gives you time to really think about things.  I feel like many people these days are kinda running around like chickens with their heads cut off.  They don't think that they have time to do things like memorize and meditate on scripture.  They have no idea what they are missing out on.  Oh, goodness, that's only about 289 words.  One of the things that counselors have taught me is to go outside and really appreciate all the things that I see.  Really looking at trees and grass and sidewalks gets me out of my head.  Once, way back when, I made up a little story about the trees I saw as I was walking along.  Each tree became a character in my story.  I saw a little evergreen surrounded by taller trees.  I thought how all those taller trees were always reaching up to the sky, trying to catch the sun as it passed them by.  The magnificent oaks and lovely maples didn't understand what was wrong with the little evergreen.  Fall came.  Leaves were falling all over the forest, but the little evergreen stood quietly, patient as always.  It's leaves didn't fall.  It had become the only bright spot in the forest.  It couldn't reach up and catch the sun, but it had caught as much sunlight as it needed to stay green all through the winter.
Well, back to being God's masterpiece.  Walking through the world, there are so many extraordinary things to see, so many masterpieces.


  1. I think you're onto something with the walking thing. For four years I delivered our city's daily newspaper in a neighborhood of retirement condos and houses. It sounds insane now---when did I sleep? But was I able to stay home with my young boys. Plus that route had at least two miles of walking. Like you, I was out in all kinds of weather, but did not become ill. The body is amazing...and God is gracious.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. In this random post, you came up with three things that could very well be developed into something larger: favorite hymn, walking, creating characters. Writing is quite revealing, isn't it. Never think about who would like or not like what you have to say. I, for one, would love to hear about your favorite hymn. I have so many, it's hard to choose. From what you've written, it proves you've got what it takes. Just keep going.

  3. I loved your little story about the pine tree. I live in a place that cedars. They grow every where and anywhere. With the number of things in this post, what a treasure trove of beginnings. You ended it well. Keep the faith and keep writing.

  4. Hey, I found myself in your voice...seeing what you were seeing and feeling what you were feeling. You better not stop. If it is this good, it can only get better.

  5. Really, really good reminder about some of the many benefits of walking. Good timing for me - to reinforce my recently resurrected walking habit.

  6. Wow. I'm blown away. Thank you all for the encouragement.
