Thursday, January 30, 2014


I just watched The Incredibles.  As the story was ending, I thought how nice it would be if all of our societies ills were so easily solved.  I looked at this big, black monster that the incredible superhero family had just saved the world from.  I thought how nice it would be if the big problems that our society is facing were so clear cut.  What if MR. ECONOMY just sort of appeared and saved us from inflation and all the other effects of a bad economy?  All of the problems that our nation has seem so all-encompassing and interwoven with each other.  I don't think things are hopeless.  I think that I/we need to turn back, repent.  I think we need to stop looking for things that "aren't the worst" and "aren't really so terrible," and setting our aim at those things.  I think, as a society, we need to change our aim and start doing things that are the best we could do.  As individuals, we each have three enemies:  the world, the flesh, and the devil.  I think that we can each overcome these with God's help.  It's just a matter of making right choices.  Maybe at every moment we need to consider what road we want to take.  "There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof is death".  Or something like that.  If we ask God for wisdom and follow the path that seems like the one that God would have us follow, we can, slowly but surely, get out of the hole that we have dug for ourselves.  God, please help us.  God, please help me.

1 comment:

  1. As I look back and read this, it was kinda preachy. I do like to get up on my high horse.
